

2013 File Downloads


Equipment Needs per School: here

Equipment Pick Up Schedule here and here 

Other Equipment Documents:  here

Friday Track Set Up Map

Saturday Track Set Up Map

Saturday Events & Tents Set Up Map 

Job Description

2013 Job Description

Updated 2013 Lynn Kondo


The job consists of:

·      verifying the equipment needs

·      coordinating the collection and distribution of equipment from the facilities to the JO field

·      coordinating the return of the equipment

·      ordering garbage and recycling bins and portable toilets

Most of the tasks are completed prior to the JO.  You are coordinating not collecting or delivering yourself.




Make sure the JO budget includes money for the portable toilets, the Mountain View Recology order, and money to replace a damaged canopy (from the district JO shed).


Get acquainted with the tasks and material from last year and the people involved.

Prepare the equipment list spreadsheets that identify the quantities of equipment each school will need for their tent, track and field event(s) and district (rotational) duties.  Base your estimates on what was used for the 2013 JO.  Each of the 9 track and field events is assigned to the same school every year. The district duties rotate from school to school and need to be moved around on the spreadsheets.

Meet with LASD Maintenance Coordinator: Marlene Shafran, 650-823-9394, MShafran@lasdschools.orgReview the updated equipment spreadsheet with her: grand totals of each item needed on the last page plus inventories of what is available at each school site.  Define with her what is needed from where (have pick-up list from 2013 (tab B) for reference).

Go to Los Altos City Public Works (707 Fremont Avenue, behind the fire station) to reserve cones, barriers and barricades.  Reserve the maximum possible. This equipment will be picked up (Thursday) and returned (Monday) by the LASD Maintenance Crew (along with everything else).



Tab A shows what each school needs for their own tent, event and district duty. Give each school a copy of their own equipment needs and ask each school to verify that these equipment needs are correct.

Tab B shows what equipment each school provided the 2013 JO.  Give each school a copy of the equipment inventory and ask each school to verify the inventory they have on their school campus (canopies, tables, chairs, cones, cinder blocks, etc.).

It is preferable to get tables and chairs from fewer places.  Almond had 40 tables in 2012, but could only provide 20 in 2013, so we had to pick up tables from other schools.  If Almond could do 40 tables in 2014, you could eliminate Oak’s 20 tables, for example.

Check with Egan and Blach about borrowing all their hurdles (for security) and when.  The Egan contact is Dena Zacanti, DZacanti@lasdschools.org, and the Blach contact is Pat Koren, PKoren@lasdschools.org.

Equipment is picked up on Thursday or Friday if needed.  Verify with each school that equipment is available Thursday.  Egan’s hurdles weren’t available until Friday.

Take an inventory of the equipment in the JO shed (hurdles, netting, tubs, etc.) and district maintenance (tables and chairs).  Tab B lists what is in the JO shed and district maintenance.  The contact to check what district maintenance has is Jason Carballar, 650-302-5153.



Reserve portable toilets, TP and hand washing stations from JW Enterprises.   Contact is Linda D'Agostino, 800-350-3331.  Order 4 portable potties, 2 washing stations, and extra toilet paper.  Upon delivery, request a key for replenishing toilet paper that you will give to an MVHS custodian on the day of the event.  Make sure the invoice goes to the JO treasurer.  (The 2013 invoice went to the wrong address.)  You will need to get the treasurer’s address.  The toilets and washing stations should be placed outside the track area (on the grass side of the fence surrounding the track) against the fence running along Truman away from the entrance onto the track.

Order the yard bins and trash cans/liners from Recology Mountain View.  Contact is Celia White, 650-518-6314, cwhite@recology.com.  Reserve 10 clear stream garbage stands (no charge), 15 clear stream recycle stands (no charge), box liners and two 8-yard bins (1 for recycling and 1 for trash).

Recology will bill the JO fund for the material through the City of Mountain View.  The invoice goes to the district office at 201 Covington Road, 94024.  Recology gave us a donation in 2012 to help offset the cost ($250). The donation request letter was sent to Melinda Harris in parallel to the order.  See tab C for the letter.



Confirm equipment pick-up/delivery dates with all the parties involved (schools, city works, LASD maintenance).

Confirm pick-up/delivery dates with JW Enterprises and Recology for portable toilets and garbage.

Contact Mountain View High School maintenance team. Contact is Marivic Cagatao - Marivic.Cagatao@mvla.net   Confirm what time we can have access to the field for set up on Friday and Saturday.  Ask Marivic to make sure sprinklers will be turned off on the day of the JO, and tennis courts and basketball courts will be cleaned the day before the JO.

Email Marlene Shafran the final equipment pick up list about 5 days before JO. See tab B.  If any equipment is to be picked up on Friday instead of Thursday, please note that in the email.  Please indicate which equipment is to be delivered on Friday and which equipment on Saturday.

Agree with LASD and MVHS maintenance teams on the custodian schedule on the day of the set-up and on the day of the JO (see schedule below and contact list from 2013 for reference). Make sure gates will be opened for set-up on both days.  


Set-Up on the Friday before the JO


You will meet Recology and JW Enterprises at MVHS to accept delivery at the agreed upon time.  Set up the toilets and washing stations outside the track area (on the grass side of the fence surrounding the track) against the fence running along Truman away from the entrance onto the track.  The yard bins were off to the side of the Truman entrance onto the track area.  Leave the garbage stands by the yard bins overnight and distribute them Saturday morning.

Bring the equipment map for Friday Track Set-Up (see tab D) to distribute to the LASD and MVHS crews and to the set-up volunteers.

The LASD Maintenance Crew will deliver the equipment on Friday that is not likely to be stolen: orange netting, cones, barriers and barricades,  security hurdles (hurdles from Blach and Egan, not the 18” and 24” hurdles for the event).  Everything else (chairs, canopies, event hurdles, tables, tubs, etc.) gets delivered early on Saturday morning (by 6:30am).  The LASD Maintenance Crew handles delivery on Friday and Saturday on their own with the help of MVHS custodians.

The Day of JO

Bring the equipment maps for Saturday Track Set-Up and Saturday Events & Tents Set-Up (see tabs E and F) to distribute to the LASD and MVHS crews and to the set-up volunteers.

Have the gates along Oak Avenue opened first.

You will help distribute/dispatch equipment to all stations.  Coordinate with the MVHS Custodial Staff to get equipment on the golf carts and distributed as necessary.  

Deliver the largest tables to Timing first because Timing needs lots of time to set up the equipment.

Have a set-up and clean-up volunteer crew from your school (4-5 people) plus some high school volunteers to help you dispatch and recover the material efficiently.

At the end of the day, ensure that the garbage stands remain with the yard bins and do not get picked up by the LASD maintenance crew. 




Custodians Division of Labor

This should be shared with and confirmed by Marlene Shafran and Maravic Cagatao.

There are two different organizations assisting on the "Day Before and Day Of":  the LASD custodians and the MVHS custodians. 

LASD handles pick-up, delivery and return:

The LASD maintenance crew is managed by Marlene Shafran 650-823-9394 or MShafran@lasdschools.org. Her district maintenance crew and trucks will drive to each school and collect the items that are listed in the 2014 JO EQUIPMENT PICK-UP (tab B) from the individual schools.  The crew picks up the equipment from the schools on Thursday before the event, so be sure to have each school tell their school custodian to prepare the necessary equipment on Wednesday night.  They will also pick up equipment from the JO storage shed that is located at the Covington District Office, equipment from Los Altos City Works, and equipment from the Maintenance Offices.  They deliver all of this equipment on Friday and Saturday as indicated on the pick-up list.

MVHS handles distribution of equipment before, maintains garbage and toilets during and round up of equipment at the end of day Sat.:

The MVHS custodians are managed by Maravic Catagao, Marivic.Cagatao@mvla.net. They will help distribute equipment via golf cart on Friday and Saturday morning.  They will clean the tennis courts, the gyms and the computer rooms on Friday before the event.  They have keys to open the gates for deliveries on Friday and Saturday.  They maintain the garbage and toilets on the day of the event.  They use the golf carts to take garbage bags to the dumpsters and when the event is over they need to help return Equipment to the centralized location (by the fence) for the LASD crew to pack up and remove.

Ensure the Recology stands are left at the field beside the yard bins.  Recology picks up the stands and the bins .  JW Enterprises comes for the toilets and washing stations .




This needs to be shared with and confirmed by Marlene and Maravic. 

·      Friday, 11:00am-1:00pm

§  LASD: delivery by Maintenance Crew (Tony, Luis, Jason, Lino)

§  MVHS:  2-3 Custodians (Ben, Jose, Freddie) who open gates, help distribute equipment

·      Saturday

§  6:00 am - 9:00 am LASD deliver tents, chairs, tables, etc.

§                    6:00 am - 12:00 pm MVHS use golf carts to distribute equipment, maintain trash and bathrooms. 

§                    9:00 am - 3:00 pm MVHS (1 Custodian) maintain trash, bins and bathrooms, move cones from opening ceremonies to food area.

§                    1:00 pm - 7:00 pm MVHS (2 Custodians) maintain trash, bins and bathrooms, use golf carts to corral equipment. 

§  3:00 pm - 7:00 pm LASD pack and remove all equipment.


The custodians who will be hired need to be confirmed with Marlene and Maravic.


Marlene Shafran: 650/823.9394

Tony Moules 408-313-3376

Luis Sequeira 209-587-0642

Jason Carballar 650-302-5153

Lino Silveira 650-404-9233


Ben Ortega 408-726-1556

Jose Chavez 650-823-9732

Freddie Gonzalez 650-823-9609





Chairs (108), Canopies (2), Cones (135), Stepladder (1)

Santa Rita

Canopies (2)


Tables (20), Canopies (2)


Canopies (2)


Canopies (6)


Tables (20), Canopies (6)


Tables (14), Canopies (19), Blocks (41)

Egan School

Hurdles (50) - picked up Friday

Blach School

Hurdles (40)

Los Altos City Works

Barriers (   ), Barricades (   ), Cones (   )

District JO Containers

Orange Netting, Iron & Green Coated Stakes, 24” Hurdles (35), Canopies (10), Blue, Red & Black Drink Tubs (21)

15 garbage boxes are being delivered by Recology, but the boxes go back to the JO container Saturday.

District Maintenance

Tables (15), chairs (125)

Friday delivery: cones, hurdles, orange netting, stakes, blocks, City Works barriers, cones & barricades

Saturday delivery: tables, chairs, stepladder, canopies, drink tubs




Los Altos School District

 Junior Olympics Equipment Team

201 Covington Rd

Los Altos, CA 94024

April 19, 2012

Recology Mountain View

Attn: Melinda Harris

650 Martin Ave

Santa Clara, CA 95050

Dear Melinda,

The Los Altos School District Junior Olympics committee would like to thank Recology Mountain View for having supported our annual Junior Olympics last year and having provided services that made our event both enjoyable and environmentally friendly.

This year, the Los Altos School District Junior Olympics will be held on April 28 at Mountain View High School, and once again we are calling for your support. Over 1300 athletes from the district seven elementary schools will participate in nine track and field events and we expect a crowd of 3000 spectators and volunteers throughout the day.  A donation of $250 would be greatly appreciated to help us offset the cost of the event, but please note that we are grateful for any portion that you are willing to contribute.

Recology Mountain View will be thanked by the field announcer at regular intervals throughout the day in recognition of its support. Also, Los Altos School District Junior Olympics being a non-profit organization, any donation to our organization is tax deductible (EIN # 94-2733732).

Thank you very much for your consideration of our request.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
