Field & Gym Events
Below is an overview of the events. Students will be asked to choose three events during PE. Students should choose three events even if they're unsure if they want to compete in all three. They can always drop an event the day of JO, but we cannot add or change events after Event Selection closes. Students’ event selections will be confirmed on a printout sent home the week before Junior Olympics.
All equipment is provided by the Junior Olympics committee and the PE specialists. Students may not use their own equipment during competitions; use of personal equipment in any event will result in student disqualification for that event.
Parent videos are for personal use only and will not be used for results. Any discrepancies will be reviewed by the Meet Director. Meet Director decisions are final.
1. BASKETBALL FREE THROWS Score is the number of baskets made out of 12 attempts. 4th graders shoot from the 12 foot line. 5th graders shoot from the foul line (the 15 foot line) and are allowed to jump over the line. 6th graders shoot from the 15 foot line and may not step/jump over it. Two practice throws will be given and not counted toward the final score. No basketballs from home; students use basketballs supplied at the event.
Students use 28.5" basketball.
*starting in 2014: children who make 12 baskets may keep shooting until first miss to have opportunity to set new records.
Covington volunteers run this event.
2. CHIN-UPS Using either grasp (palms facing you or palms away from you, or mixed grip), hang from hands on a high horizontal bar so that the body is vertical and the extended toes do not touch the floor or ground. By bending the elbows, raise body until the chin is raised above the bar. Relax arms, lower body until arms are fully extended before “chinning” the bar. Repeat until limit is reached. No swinging of body while chinning. One attempt is given. Chalk is provided. No gloves allowed.
Gardner Bullis volunteers run this event.
3. STANDING LONG JUMP The feet may be placed in any position up to, but not touching, the starting line but shall leave the mat only once in making an attempt to jump. Rocking forward and backward, that is, lifting heels and toes alternately from the ground, is permitted but both feet must leave the mat at the same time. Measurement is made from the starting line to the nearest mark on the mat by any part of the body at the completion of the jump. (Use heel, not ball of foot in marking.) A separate area will be provided for practice jumps. Two official jumps are given. Judges must consistently double-check for false starts.
In the event of a tie in the students' best jumps, the winner will be determined by the longer of their second best jumps. For example:
Student A: Jump 1 = 86" / Jump 2 = 78"
Student B: Jump 1 = 86" / Jump 2 = 76"
Student A wins the event.
Almond volunteers run this event.
4. SOFTBALL THROW A softball is thrown from behind a line, and the distance is measured from the line to the first mark made by the fall of the ball. An unlimited run is permitted, but the thrower must not cross the line in making the throw. Two throws are allowed. An 11-inch softball is to be used. No softballs from home; students use softballs supplied at the event.
New for 2019: Both throws need to be recorded and indicated if student declines second throw.
In the event of a tie in the students' longest throws, the winner will be determined by the longer of their second best throws. For example:
Student A: Throw 1 = 8'2" / Throw 2 = 7'8"
Student B: Throw 1 = 8'2" / Throw 2 = 6'4"
Student A wins the event.
Santa Rita volunteers run this event.
The student uses an individual rope, hanging from hands at hips with rope touching the ground behind the feet (rope should be turned forward). On a signal, the student jumps as many times as possible within the 30 second time limit. Students may jump with both feet simultaneously or in a jogging fashion, alternating feet. The rope clearing the feet is one count. If a student misses, he starts again with the rope behind his feet as it was at the beginning and the count is continued. One attempt is given, with the total number of jumps counted, regardless of the number of misses. This event requires two counters per jumper and a timer. The official score will be the average of the scores of the two counters.
No jump ropes from home; jumpers use the ropes supplied at the event.
DOUBLE JUMPING Students may choose to double jump: the rope goes by the feet twice for every one jump. On the day of the event, 4 counters are used per jumper, along with one timer. The high and the low counts are dropped and the official score is the average of the remaining 2 counters.
DOUBLE JUMPERS AND STUDENTS WHO JUMP OVER 90, must announce themselves before they jump so 4 counters can be assigned to count their jumps. If double jumping begins without notification, the student will need to go back into line before going again.
Oak volunteers run this event.
Track Events
No cleats, spikes, soccer shoes, track shoes or bare feet.
Students should warm up and stretch prior to each event.
6. 75 YARD DASH A standing start, crouch, or sprinter’s start may be used. (No starting blocks are used.) Runners must stay in lanes and should sprint through the finish line. If they veer into another lane or have a third false start they are disqualified.
Springer volunteers run this event.
7. 60 YARD HURDLES Three sets of hurdles ( 24” for 5th/6th grade, 18" for 4th grade) are spaced 15 yards apart with a 15 yard run to the finish line. Runners must stay in lanes and should sprint through the finish line. If they veer into another lane or have a third false start they are disqualified.
Loyola volunteers run this event.
8. 1320 YARD RUN Runners will run on grass, sidewalk (at MVHS), and then finish on the track. They should run using a relaxed, consistent pace. They do not have to stay in lanes, but are not allowed to cut in front of and cause another runner to break stride. Please remember that this event takes place prior to Opening Ceremonies on the day of Junior Olympics. First race starts promptly at 8am. All 1320 Participants are encouraged to arrive 20-30 min prior to first race.
Springer volunteers run this event.
9. 4 x 100 METER RELAY The 4 x 100 relay uses a staggered start, with each of the four runners going approximately 100 meters (4 x 100 = 400). Each team runs the whole race in the same lane. The baton must be passed within the passing zone or the team is disqualified. Students are not permitted to use the fly zone, where the runners line up on the white arrows, not before. A dropped baton can be retrieved and the race continued. When retrieving a baton or at any point in the race if a team member obstructs another team’s runner (for example, causes them to break stride) the team is disqualified.
More on relays here
Gardner Bullis volunteers run this event.
Training will be initiated and run by the District P. E. Department at every school at the same time to ensure that all students have an equal chance of success. Each school will train two times a week during regularly scheduled P.E. times. P.E. Specialists will be assisted by parent volunteers. P.E. Specialists will time and average four (no more than 2 per day) 75 yard dash sprints for each student to form relay teams. Relay teams are trained by parent volunteers outside of school hours or during lunchtime and all schools will begin relay training at the same time.