First Aid
CONTACTS at District
Permission slips: Nancy McSweeney
Permission slip drop off: Bridget Stolorz, District Secretary
Translation (e.g. Spanish): Marcy Birnie
Medical Info (District Nurse): Sarah Bolter 650.444.9702
AED (Defibrillator): Pearl Garvin
2014 First Aid Chair: Marcia Chmyz
updated notes 2014:
First Aid Coordinator is responsible for:
- Collection of Student Medical Information
- Permission Slips
- First Aid Tents at Junior Olympics
We changed to a new system in 2014 that seemed to work well for everyone. Rather than collecting medical information on the paper permission slips, the district sent out an email to all 4-6th grade parents asking for updates to medical information. The email included a link to a Google form so that parents could submit information directly to the nurses. The nurses reported that they received a dozen responses. Two required updates and the rest either stated "no updates" or had changes to their data (plan numbers, contact info, etc.).
This system was MUCH easier than collecting medical info on the permission slips. It also helped maintain student confidentiality. Great improvement!
Contact the district nurse and Jackie Sigua to let them know you are the coordinator and ask if there should be any procedural changes this year.
Decide on a send date for the medical email to be sent out, and a due date for parent responses. In 2014 the medical email went out on 3/31, and the due date was 4/4. Confirm with Jackie Sigua that she will send out the email and update the Google Form as necessary.
The District Nurse will update the district’s computerized medical records for each student. She will then put together two binders with information on all students with special medical needs. There will be a list at the front of each binder that has the students’ names, for easy reference, should there be an emergency at Junior Olympics. In the case of an emergency, 911 should be called and the list of student names in the binder should be referenced to see if pertinent information should be given to the EMTs when they arrive.
Confirm with the district nurse when you will be able to get the binders. In 2014 I picked them up from the district office on Thursday before JO, and returned them to the nurses on Monday. Do NOT leave the binders lying around as they obviously contain confidential information.
2014 Medical Email: (sent by Jackie Sigua from Jeff Baier’s account)
Dear Parents,
We hope your student is looking forward to Junior Olympics on Saturday, April 26. Please see the following information on safety at the event.
Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of the event.
If your student’s medical or health information has recently changed and you have not yet notified the district, please do so by April 4, 2014 by clicking here (will take you to form). No action is necessary if there are no changes in health information. If you have questions, please email the LASD nurses at
While basic first aid supplies will be available for minor injuries, Junior Olympic volunteers are not medical personnel and will not be authorized to treat serious injuries. 911 will be called should any serious medical situations arise.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you all on April 26.
Jeff Baier
Google Form for Junior Olympics Medical Changes
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student School (dropdown selection)
Grade (dropdown selection)
Teacher’s Last Name
Changes to Medical Information
Bottom of Form
Update the permission slips (both Spanish and English) with new dates, and post to the JO website. Inform committee members that they should download the permission slips and distribute to their families as they see fit.
ALL 4th, 5th, and 6th graders should be given permission slips to complete, whether or not they are participating. (The permission slip has a section for “Yes, I'm attending” or “No, I'm NOT attending”.)
Remind committee members that they should have collected permission slips from every 4th-6th grade student. Each child must have a permission slip in order to compete at JO and the permission slips must be kept organized with the school’s other important JO documents and brought to the Junior Olympics. After the JOs are over, each school should handle the permission slips according to its policy (most likely similar to how permission slips for field trips are handled).
Retrieve the two First Aid bins and the two reclining lawn chairs from the JO shed. Throw out expired materials and replenish the supplies. There is one bin for the Infield booth and one for the booth near Information. Refer to the supply list for directions.
Volunteers: You will need a few people to help set up from 7:00-8:00am. These will likely just be general set up people you get from your school, not anything special for First Aid. Then run 1.5-hour volunteer shifts starting at 8am. Infield booth needs 2 at a time (3 max) while one (2 max) volunteer is sufficient at the booth near information. First Aid volunteers come from the coordinator’s school.
Give Security the names/shifts of your Infield First Aid volunteers, and inform those volunteers that they will need to pick up wrist bands at the security booth before entering the track.
Remind volunteers of their shift times and clarify which first aid station they will host (Infield volunteers). Note that it is suggested that nurses and doctors who are manning the first aid stations write a letter to the coordinator stating that they are volunteering at the First Aid station as a parent of a student, not as medical personnel.
Each First Aid booth will need one bag of ice for the cooler. It is easier to bring your own with the First Aid supplies rather than getting it from the food tent.
Confirm that Pearl Garvin will bring and be responsible for the AED. She generally brings one from one of the schools and returns it after the event.
Booths should be set up with First Aid signs, supply bin, cooler filled with ice, binder, student with medical needs binder, reclining lawn chair, blankets, and AED (at Infield booth). Spray bottles are just filled with water to help clean wounds. (Wipes may also be used but this can be painful for the kids.) Infield booth should be set up near the hurdles finish line.
See day of procedures "Instructions for First Aid Volunteers" -download editable format above (to be stored in each first aid binder at the first aid station on the day of JOs).
Binders will include:
- fresh log sheet or two
- Instructions for volunteers
- supply list
- volunteer schedule
- extra permission slips
Make sure each volunteer understands the procedures. Most importantly, no one (not even doctors or nurses) at the First Aid station may provide medical treatment or any medication other than bandaging a wound and providing an ice bag. Parent of student should be present or called where possible. New gloves should be worn (and changed) when dealing with any blood. No medication may be administered to a child but some common over-the-counter medicines supplied at the First Aid station may be given to the student’s parent to administer. In the case of an emergency, 911 should be called and the list of student names in the binder should be referenced to see if pertinent information should be given to the EMTs when they arrive. Log all injuries into the log book.
Bring binders back to the District Nurse.
Remember to take your blankets out. Empty water bottles and dry out for next year. Straighten up the two first aid bins and store in the JO shed with the lawn chairs.