Heat Sheets
2013 Files
2013 Heat Sheet files –google drive
2014 Heat Sheet files - here
2014 Job Description
Coordinate JO Event Selection database with LASD Director of Technology, Jackie Sigua tel. 650.947.1175.
Contact school JO Chairs with event selection / database information
Remind schools about event selection deadline.
After event selection deadline, send running event data to electronic timers (Jim Clark 2014) for heat sheet generation
Create & print heat sheets for all non running events from database.
Early March contact Jackie Sigua to ask her to initialize and update student data in the database.
e-mail JO committee and ask them to get you names of same-gender twins/siblings in the same grade. Heats are alphabetical, and we don’t want siblings running against each other.
check in with Jim Clark (jim_clark@pacbell.net) -- introduce yourself, ask if he’d like any changes from last year.
When ready, Jackie will send you admin sign-on info + password, the link to the database ( http://jo.losaltos.k12.ca.us/junior_olympics/Admin/ ), as well as each school's sign-on + password.
Email each school, separately, announcing that database is ready for event selections. Include instructions for sign-on, their password and event selection deadline. MAKE THE EVENT SELECTION DEADLINE A FEW DAYS BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY INTEND TO PRINT HEAT SHEETS! THERE WILL ALWAYS BE LATE CHANGES.
When you first sign-on to admin in database, update any necessary information on the confirmation letters (especially date of JO).
- JO Chairs will retrieve event selections from students and manually enter into database.
Connect with Jim Clark 2 weeks before event to find out when he needs the .CSV data files for running event heat sheets. Last year files were sent Monday the week of JO.
The week of JO, and once you have sent final reminder that no more changes can be made to the event selections, you will begin to print data sheets for electronic timers and heat sheets for rest of the events.
JO Chairs will print and distribute confirmation letters
Notify schools of non-running events when and where to pick up the printed heat sheets on event day (results room).
Create .CSV files for Dash / Hurdles / Relays & send to timers
Enter database using admin sign on and then for DASH + HURDLES do the following...
Save As: webpage, complete - link to logo
In HTML file, manually move same gender siblings to different heats
manually move any special needs students as requested
Open saved document in Excel
Save As: .CSV format
Using prior year's relay lane assignments - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6Xr_ImCE18ZfjVBdHRGYVpSYVMtUzB0ckg2QXYtZXRlbDg1MENhQ29IVE5UeEk2ZTc0TGs&authuser=1 rotate the lane assignments as such: lane assignment last year = lane assignment last year + 1. Lane 7 moves to to Lane 1.
Save As: present year blue-white-or red relays.CSV
Send all .CSV files to Jim Clark
He will send you final heats for approval
Create Heat Sheets for all other events
Enter database using admin sign on and then for all other events and for each grade/gender...
Print to PDF (taking care that data is on one sheet) and Save As: xgrade_xgender_xevent_heat_sheet see samples here
Print the following quantities (QTY) of each heat sheet (according to # of recorders at each event):
QTY 1: Basketball Free Throw - 1 per school / grade / gender
QTY 2: 1320, Long Jump, Jump Rope, Chin Ups
QTY 3: Softball Throw
Separate and clip together each recorder's heat sheet stack and organize by event (organize basketball by school).
Send a note to committee letting them know where/when you will have the heat sheets ready for pick up on event day (last year on table in front of 'computer room' by 7:30am).
- Electronically timed event heat sheets are handled separately by timers.