2013 File Downloads

Good Neighbor Letter updated for 2014


2013 Job Description (also below) 


2013 Publicity Job Description

There are two main parts of the publicity job.

  1. Good neighbor letter distribution
  2. Newspaper exposure



The Good neighbor letter is a single page flyer that is left at the houses of neighbors close to MVHS to let them know that JO is coming up and to expect congestion in their neighborhood.

Here is what needs to be done:

  • Update the flyer
  • Make ~200 copies  (This is a number that has been passed down for years and not sure it is validated)
  • Deliver them to the houses near the school
  • All houses that front any side of the school
  • The streets that come off the main streets – going back a block or so
  • Any other main streets that are likely to get a lot of parking – Oak and Truman Avenues



In 2013 we focused our attention on the Los Altos Town Crier.  We talked about The Patch but did not do anything specific with it.   Would recommend that this is something that is covered in 2014.   You could also consider if you wanted to contact any local TV stations.  Not sure if that has ever been done.

Los Altos Town Crier

The Town Crier generally does three arcticles on JO

  • Just after PE training starts
  • The week before the event (very brief)
  • The week after the event

You should contact Traci Newell at the LATC in February or March just to be sure she is still there, still on board to cover the event with the same approach.  You’ll probably want to check in again right before training starts.

Official contact info for Traci is tracin@latc.com, 650-948-9000.   I found her to be more responsive when I used her personal email of traci.newell@gmail.com 

Once you make contact with Traci you can just work with her.  In 2013, I connected her with Pearl Garvin.  Pearl spoke with her and they made arrangements for the photographer to come and get pictures of PE Training.

I contacted her a week or so before the event to see if she was going to do something  in the paper right before the event.  She did not need anything from me or us at that time.

Just before the event, I connected with her again and talked about what she would need for the follow up article.  Unfortunately she needed info and photos by 8am on Monday morning so there was some work to do on Sunday.  

Basically we sent two pieces of information:

  • Photos from the official photographers with children identified where possible
  • Info on any new records

 In 2013 they sent a photographer to the event but she also wanted me to send her pictures so she had lots of choices.   They frequently do not send a photographer so it is important that you have a process to get photos and identify children on Sunday.

I had contacted the official photoraphers (arranged by the host school) to be sure they would send photos on Sunday.  I made sure we would get a variety of pics of different events, Opening Ceremonies, hand off of the check from LAEF, etc.   

As soon as I got them on Sunday, I sent them to the relevant committee members to try to identify the students and then I forward them to Traci with the names, grade, etc. To be honest, I think I spent way too much time doing this on Sunday. I was hoping for a lot more photos in the paper although it was fine.

I worked with the person from the computer room to identify any broken records.  Arrange ahead of time that you will want to do that on Sunday. Remember there are both Track and Field events and the info comes from different processes. We almost forgot the track records in 2013.

Written by Lori Bogard, loribogard@yahoo.com, 650-868-9408  -- May 2013