Formerly known as Computers + Electronic Timing
Electronic Timing: Jim Clark
Past Chairs: 2014 Michelle Galbraith / 2013 Kathleen Vitakis / 2012 Hongjun Zhu
MVHS Computer Room coordinator
2013 Files
2013 Results Files in google drive
Items Needed
- Results Board - in storage box in district shed
- Clip Boards - 66 -one needed for each event - district shed- double check # may need more
- File Box with past result print-outs - district shed
- Flash Drive (s) with pre-2014 files - in results box in district shed - NOTE - for reference only, we use Google Docs for results now
- 6 laptops - MVHS
- Wireless printer - check MVHS - may need to locate
- Printed instructions for data entry volunteers for each station
- Event sign for each station
- Binder clips
- stapler
- pens / pencils for each station
- highlighter pens
Note that you will need to log in to Google Drive as jochairresults / password passthebaton to access these documents. Do not allow committee to edit these documents.
2015 Job Description
- Hang Results Board
- Coordinate (HS) runners for retrieving heat sheets and posting results
- Update event spreadsheets for result data entry
- Prepare result station/computer for each non running event
- Determine finalists from completed heat sheets + any broken records
Enter finalist data into each event spreadsheet
Print 3 hard copy results each event / Note and highlight any broken records
Send 1 results board / 1 announcers / 1 heat sheets file
Confirm that results posted to
Make sure master spreadsheet and record breakers are updated
Send updated results and record breakers to awards and publicity
- Meet with former results chair
- Contact MVHS regarding use of career center + laptops (6 needed) + printer (plan to bring wireless printer if needed)
- request walkie talkies from JO Chair
- Look at file box to understand heat sheet formats and results formats.
- review how to determine finishers from Heat Sheets. Event Chairs should instruct volunteers to be very specific about the way heat sheets are filled in - suggest inviting all event chairs (those who actually run JO events) to meeting to review recording processes.
- log into Google Drive as jochairresults / password passthebaton
- Test each event spreadsheet. Files are here.
- IMPORTANT: do not change data that is pre-populated in the spreadsheets (such as date of event and event name). We use these spreadsheets to create the labels -- so although it looks weird to have the event name and the date repeated 7 times on each page, if that data is not there, it will not print on the labels.
- Print blanks of all "results" spreadsheets in case there's an internet/power outage at MVHS
- Test printing connection / network connection at MVHS
- Coordinate to have heat sheets ready to go first thing in the morning
- Plan the number of adult and HS volunteers needed. Meet with additional adult volunteers to go over event day process.
- Print this document to track heat sheets & results process
- set-up heat sheets for pick up first thing in morning
- start computers, log into google docs on every one - jorchairresults / passthebaton
- Assign RUNNERS: (a) bring back heat sheets from field/gym events (confirm how many); (b) bring back heat sheets from track events; (c) post final results
- RUNNERS pick up completed heat sheets after each field/gym event
High School Volunteer determines top 6 finishers from each field/gym event. In the case of ties within the top 6 finishers list up to 6 finishers in order unless there are more ties in that place than 6. Example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6, or 1,2,2,2,3,4
Adult volunteer double-checks Top 6.
HS Volunteer enters Top 6 into appropriate spreadsheet. Confirm you are on the right tab!
Adult/HS: look for records, note on spreadsheets. (put it at the bottom with the school/year, and put "RECORD!" next to name of child up at the top of the spreadsheet. That way, "RECORD!" will automatically print on his/her label.) If running record was broken in a heat, put (H) next to the time, and we’ll add a note at the bottom stating “record broken in heat.”
HS Volunteer: print 2 copies of results. Highlight records and handwrite “new record!”
RUNNERS post 1 copy of results on “results” clipboards on the fence. Take other copy to announcer.
Special rules for hurdles/dash: arrange for volunteer on the field to photograph results and text them to you. Enter as usual on spreadsheet. Send to results board. Confirm that electronic timer will send a copy to "finals" coordinator and to the announcer.
IMPORTANT: heat/dash finalists must be communicated quickly. 5th grade boys have a very short turnaround time.
- less volunteers are needed in the early morning until 10:
- 1 ADULT 7:15 am - open room, set out heat sheets, start computers, place data entry instructions, pencil, pen at each computer, put out stapler and clips.
- 3 ADULTS 7:30am - 10am - load computers, confirm everything works, train volunteers
- 1 HS for 1320 data entry 8-10
- 1 HS student 8-10 heat sheets / results runner and posting 8-10
- have more volunteers from 9:30 - 2.
- 8 HS students 9:30 - 12:00 (4 computers / 4 runners) last 1/2 hour train new volunteers
- 8 HS students 11:30 - 2:00 (5 computers -chin ups come back / 3 runners)
- 2 HS students 2:00 - 4:00 (1 data / 1 -2 runner)
- 4 adults 9:30 - 2 (2 for checking finalists / 1 for coordinating results and runners / 1 for overseeing)
- 2 adults 2-4 (checking results, updating spreadsheets and website)
- less volunteers are needed in the early morning until 10:
- top 6 finishers in each event get posted on results board and announced
- top 6 finalists for hurdles and dash finals are posted on results board and announced
- hurdles and dash finals results are posted on results board and announced
- relays results are posted and announced
- clean up room, leave key in room
- confirm you received all track print outs:
- full prelim results
- finals heat sheets
- finals results
- full web database updated
- update event records files in event spreadsheets with any newly broken records. copy paste to each event's records sheets. Make sure the "record row" is correct in every event sheet after new records are pasted in. Save the files
- update full results files noting new records
- Send AWARDS chair login info for "jochairresults"
- Send top finishers and record breakers to Programs
- Send record breakers to Publicity
- Create a JO Results 2016 folder in the jochairresults Google Drive. Make copies of all your results spreadsheets, title them "2016," and put them under that folder. Delete 2015 info so the 2016 chair is ready to roll!