2013 File Downloads

JO Budget

JO Check Request Form

JO Treasurer Guidelines

Set-up Activities

1.     Change signers on bank account at Bank of the West:

  • Need the minutes from the first meeting which lists the executive committee
  • Attach the minutes to a cover letter outlining the changes
  • Bring the letter and minutes to the bank and pick up the Business CES Information Sheet from an account services representative at the bank
  •  Have two other people (co-chairs or one co-chair and the secretary) complete the form in addition to the incoming treasurer
  • Return the form to the bank
  •  It is helpful to have everyone at the bank at the same time because each person will need to show ID before signing the signature card
  • Confirm change from old treasurer’s to new treasurer’s mailing address for all bank statements and correspondence
  • Consider changing ban ks as Bank of the West is not open on Saturdays?

2.     Order checks, if necessary (Just ordered new ones in 2012, so we should be good for at least a couple of years)

3.     Update preliminary budget for the coming year, based on actual amounts from the previous year.   At the first meeting ask everyone to verify their numbers.  Post the budget on the Yahoo group or whatever shared system the committee is using.

4.     Update the Check Request Form if necessary.  Bring to the first meeting and let everyone know that all payment requests and reimbursements must be accompanied by a check request form and either a receipt or invoice.   Ensure the check request form is posted on the Yahoo group or shares system.

5.     In January, remind people to bring in PTA checks in February and March.  All checks are due at the March meeting.  Provide a letter send an email to the committee which states that the PTAs need to provide the participation fee for the total number of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at their schools.  The participation fee will be agreed upon at one of the early meetings (it hasn’t changed for years)

6.     Check with Food Chair on how many cash boxes will be needed for the event.  Go to shed and verify that you have the necessary number of cash boxes.   We just bought 7 new ones in 2013 (they are the black ones that are labeled LASD Junior Olumpics)


  1.  Remind committee of the budget and to let you know if there need to be any changes to the budget.
  2.  Bring Check Request Forms to meetings for people who have expenses.
  3.  Bring the check book to meetings to issue checks for check requests.
  4.  Reconcile the bank account monthly:
    1. Update Budget file each month (2 tabs – one for budget and the other one for balance sheet
    2. Balance account against bank statement
    3. Send copy of budget file/balance sheet and bank statement to Kim Ginelli at the District offices each month
  5. Remind each school to ask parents to bring small bills to JO and that no bills over $20 will be accepted.  Make sure that the signs coordinator is planning to put signs up at the event for small bills only (Even so, some people will still bring $50s and perhaps $100s.)  There should be enough signs that say “No Bills over $20” to go next to each menu sign.

2 Weeks before Event

  1. Determine the amount of starting cash needed for all the cash boxes for food and program sales.
  2. Notify the bank that you will need a large cash withdrawal the day before the event. You should give them a list of each denomination and amount needed.
  3. Have another signer sign the check for the starting cash. Since it is a large amount of money, it is worthwhile having a second person authorize the funds.

Week of Event

1.     If desired, pick up night deposit bags to make a deposit on Sunday after the cash is counted.

2.     Pick up coin holders to re-roll coins after event.

3.     Pick up cash boxes from shed.

4.     Give food chair tip money for delivery drivers.

5.     Check to make sure that you are on the list to park close to vending area (near handicapped parking) – you will need to have your car close by to keep extra cash from the food sales.

Day before Event

1.     Pick up cash from bank and load the cash boxes with starting cash.

Day of Event

1.     Arrive between 6:30am and 7:00am. Park close to the food area as you will need to store cash in your car.

2.     Bring the following supplies:  Rubber bands (for bills), paper clips, envelopes, sharpies

3.     Bring check book for last minute checks to vendors for deliveries.  Because of cash flow, some vendors will need to be paid with a personal credit card if they will not issue an invoice.

4.     Pick up walkie talkie @ Info Booth

5.     Give cash boxes to food chair.

6.     Check on money situation at programs tent around 9:30am.

7.     Collect money throughout the day from food. This can be very busy. Sometimes cash might need to be collected every 20 minutes or so.

8.     Help redistribute change from different cash boxes when necessary.

9.     Pick up cash boxes from food at 3:30pm and the remaining ones at 4:00pm. The food chair will have a sense for what to pick up at what time.

After Event

1.     Count money and roll coins. Record deposit details. Keep money separated by categories (programs, food, donations).

2.     Deposit the money at the bank.

3.     Update budget spreadsheet with the actual income and expenses.

4.     Revise procedures for any changes and/or recommendations.

5.     Reconcile the account monthly until the new treasurer takes over.