2013 File Downloads
100 lanyards ordered in 2009. Also used by security. Included 5/8" double sided polyester ribbon lanyard with swivel J hook + Vinyl Pouch ($428.64). VIP Lanyards usually located in JO SHED.
VIP - 2013
VIPs are individuals / officers in the district who are important to the success of LASD and Junior Olympics eg. School Board, Superintendent’s Office, LAEF presidents, Middle School Principals.
They are always invited to participate in the Opening Ceremonies.
Responsibility for Invitations and welcoming VIPs at the event have now been combined.
What you do
- Create a list of invited VIP’s. The 2013 list is at the end of this note and as a separate file on the disk. You can use that to know the roles that are invited and then look up the new names and find email addresses for them.
- Create an Evite (or other) invitation and send to the VIPs. We sent it about 4-5 weeks before the event and then sent a ‘message’ just to prompt them about 2 weeks before. A printout of the 2013 Evite is in the binder.
- Coordinate with the Opening Ceremonies coordinator to determine who is writing the VIP portion of the script. In 2013, the VIP chair wrote that part once they knew who was attending and sent it to the OC chair. It could also be done where you just send the list of who is attending and the OC chair writes that portion. The end of this document contains what was sent last year.
- Create a check off list of VIPs for check in. This can be organized into those that responded yes and those that have not responded. This makes it easy that day to ensure you have everyone that you expected to attend but also a way to know who else might attend. In 2013 we did not have any declines but if we did, I probably would have created a section for that as well in case they showed up. Generally, it is a good idea to know everyone that is invited.
- Set up and provide a station for the VIP’s to check in at near the main entrance. A table and the two available signs is all you need. We put the sign that says ‘VIP Check In’ on the fence behind the table and taped the other one to the front of the table (that probably isn’t even necessary).
- Check for the box with VIP lanyards in the shed – it is a small box. The lanyards do not have individual names on them and there should be plenty in the box but double check if any more need to be made.
- Staff the table (this is a very short job – like 8:15 -9:00 and we just covered it with our committee. If you are concerned about being able to be there yourself, recruit someone to do it. Previous notes had someone standing there starting at like 7:45 but that isn’t needed. If a VIP comes early, they can simply go back and check in closer to OC start.
- Provide the VIP with a VIP Lanyard & check off name on list.
- Check in with the OC coordinator or announcer (whatever you arranged with the OC chair) to confirm who is in attendance and that the script is accurate. This is mostly critical if anyone extra showed up, that wasn’t in the script. But if anyone didn’t check in they can cross them off and not announce them.
Instructions to the VIPS:
- Instruct VIP’s where to wait (usually in the assembly area, near gate by VIP table
- Let them know that they walk in as a group right after the flag bearers, following the same path as the flag bearers – confirm plan with the OC chair ahead of time
- They will walk to the far end of the bleachers (at about the 30 yd. line), turn into the field and gather at the 50 yd line in front of the band.
- In 2014 we may do something different for the people speaking so be sure you are in sync with the OC chair. We always have trouble with the microphone and there was talk of having the two people that will speak go up to the announcers booth after they walk in and do the speaking from there.
Helpful hints
- The person who mans this booth should be someone who can easily recognize the VIP individuals – nice but not critical.
- The booth should be visible and in an area close to where the VIP’s need to wait for Opening Ceremonies.
- A high school student can be asked to run the list of VIP attendees to the announcer booth.
- A canopy is NOT necessary for this booth. It is short lived. It requires 1 table.
- Placing one bunch of balloons at this table is nice…draws attention for VIPs to find it.
- If more badge inserts are needed, a digital print file for VIP badges is available on CD – best printed on cardstock and cut using large paper cutter.
Junior Olympics VIP Invite List - 2013
Title Name email address
LAEF President , Brooke Schiller bbwc@sbcglobal.net
LAEF President, Kristine Bardman kbardman@yahoo.com
Superintendent Jeff Baier jbaier@lasdschools.org
School Board President , Doug Smith dsmith@lasdschools.org
School Board Member , Tammy Logan tlogan@lasdschools.org
School Board Member, Steve Taglio staglio@lasdschools.org
School Board Member, Pablo Luther pluther@lasdschools.org
School Board Member , Mark Goines mgoines@lasdschools.org
LA Mayor, Jarrett Fishpaw jfishpaw@losaltosca.gov
LAH Mayor, Gary Waldeck gcwaldeck@gmail.com
Egan Principal, Brenda Dyckman bdyckman@lasdschools.org
Blach Principal, Sandra McGonagle smcgonagle@lasdschools.org
Asst Superintendent, Alyssa Gallagher agallagher@lasdschools.org
Coordinator of Categorical Programs & Student Assessment, Raquel Matteroli rmatteroli@lasdschools.org
Former JO Leader, Dick Liewer dickliewer@yahoo.com
MV Mayor, John Inks john.i8nks@mountainview.gov
Asst Superintendent - Business Services, Randy Kenyon rkenyon@lasdschools.org